
Gulshan Sharma

Answered 6 years ago

You can change your WhatsApp number on group. You can do it in one scenario and it’s changing your WhatsApp number with saving your last details. You can do it with these steps:

  1. Open your WhatsApp.
  2. Tap on ‘settings’ option.
  3. Tap on ‘account’ option.
  4. Tap on ‘change number’ option.
  5. Tap next and type your current number in the box.
  6. Now type your new number which you want to use for the WhatsApp. Tap next to confirm.
  7. Now next is verification process. This process is compulsory to change your number on WhatsApp.
  8. Now WhatsApp will send you a code on your new number. Copy the code and add it in verification code. Confirm it.

Your number has been changed. Now you can get back to your previous groups as well.

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