How to Sign Out of Gmail

Author: Admin User | Guide: Gmail |

Most of the people have their accounts on Gmail, people used to send email to each other for the purpose of sharing the information. Many of us use, the Gmail accounts for many purposes such as signing up the bank accounts and for the online shopping.

Sometimes, When people just close their browser and thought they were sign out of Gmail, in actual the session is still active, and anybody can access their account easily. So, it’s better for you to log out, your email is full of confidential information.

We are going to tell you through simple way, how easily you can Log out from Gmail.

How to sign out of Gmail on Desktop

1. Open your browser: Open the browser from your choice, type and press enter.

sign out of Gmail on Desktop

2. Complete sign in-Process: Enter your email id with password and press login button.

sign out of Gmail on Desktop

3. Click on Profile-Icon: In the top-right corner, you see the profile-icon in circle shape.

sign out of Gmail on Desktop

4. Choose Sign out option: After clicking, you could easily see there are two options: one is "add account" and another is "Sign out".

sign out of Gmail on Desktop

5. Click on Sign out: Click on sign out option, your email will be automatically signed out. Now, you just reached to the login page again.

sign out of Gmail on Desktop

That's how you can sign out of Gmail from desktop.

How to sign out of Gmail on Android

These are the steps:

1. Open your Gmail app: Open your Gmail app in your android phone.

sign out of Gmail on Android

2. Tap on menu-icon: On, the top-left corner, you see 3 white color horizontal lines, called as menu-icon, tap on that.

sign out of Gmail on Android

3. Tap on Hamburger menu: After tapping, you see the white-color, triangle-shaped, on the right corner of the menu, just tap on that.

sign out of Gmail on Android

4. Tap on Manage accounts: Tap on manage accounts, it will show the two options: one is Google icon with it's name and another is added account.

sign out of Gmail on Android

5. Choose Google icon: After tapping on Google icon, you see your email id there, tap on it.

sign out of Gmail on Android

6. Tap on more: On the top-right corner, you see the more icon, just tap on it.

sign out of Gmail on Android

7. Tap on Remove account: Just tap on remove account, it will log out your account automatically.

That's how you can sign out of Gmail on Android.

sign out of Gmail on Android

How to sign out of Gmail on iPhone

These are the steps:

  1. Open your Gmail app: Open your Gmail app in your iPhone.
  2. Tap on menu-icon: On, the top-left corner, you see 3 white color horizontal lines, which is menu-icon, tap on that.
  3. Tap on Hamburger menu: After tapping, you see the white-color, triangle-shaped, on the right corner of the menu, just tap on that.
  4. Tap on Manage accounts: Tap on manage accounts, you see your email id there.
  5. Tap on edit: on the top-right corner, you see the edit option, just tap on that.
  6. Swipe remove account: After tapping you see, the remove button in right side of your email id, just swipe that button, your email id automatically gets logged out.

If you want to secure your information in email ID, then always logged out your email id from browser or phone.

When you are using your Gmail account in public areas, such as in cafeteria or hub, always remember to log out your email id. otherwise, some other person can misuse your account.

In case if you lost your mobile or computer and you forget to sign out of Gmail, you can log out your email ID again, with the help from another device.

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